What requirements do I have to meet before I can become a member?
Can the BGS analysis heal me?
Do I have to be religious or spiritual to be a member?
In which areas of life can dealing with the BGS analysis be useful?
How is BGS International organized?
What methods or techniques do you use?
Do I have to believe in it to help?
Does the BGS analysis also analyze animals and plants?
Do you work with psychologists, naturopaths, therapists?
Other explanatory models also promise good effects. How is the BGS analysis different?
What happens if I fail to be properly conscious?
Don't the positive results depend on being adequately conscious?
Can anyone really learn to use the BGS analysis?
If this technique actually works so well and you are a non-profit organization ... why does it cost something to non-members?
Do I have to change my lifestyle when I learn the BGS analysis?
How reliable is scientific research on BGS analysis?